World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur
Level 3, 41 Jalan Tun Ismail
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-2614 6999 Fax: +603-2614 6225
Visionary Community of World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur, Enroute to Sustainability
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL) is renowned for its efforts in supporting the global standard of the United Nations-Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). A progression sustainability framework was developed, and these efforts were led by our visionary leader, YBHG. Dato’ Sri Dr. Hj. Irmohizam Ibrahim, Group Managing Director.
WTCKL recognised that achieving balance for social, economic, and environmental sustainability goals required the implementation and execution of its sustainability roadmap, guidelines, reports, and, most importantly, ensuring that the sustainability key messages are articulated clearly to its associates.
As part of the WTCKL’s progression framework, the company committed to prioritising progress in two (2) main areas. The first phase of WTCKL’s sustainability effort is to manage renewable energy. In 2019, whilst the world struggled with the most catastrophic historical pandemic and businesses were affected globally, the management implemented the solar panel in collaboration with ITRAMAS Corporation Sdn. Bhd with the Solar Photovoltaic System. The installation consists of up to 1000 pieces of PV module (SRP-540-BMAHV) in an open space on the rooftop, level 6, with an estimated area up to 2800 sqm.
The solar panel system, which is derived from the natural source of the sun and has a proposed capacity of 501 kWp, aims to reduce energy costs, improve access to clean and pollution-free energy, and mitigate climate change. The solar panel will house up to 1000amps of energy for the usage of the convention centre in the long run. With the energy sourced naturally and replenished over time, it is tailored perfectly to suit our long-term financial and economic goals for a greener, safer and better future. WTCKL is investigating a ten percent (10%) monthly energy savings from the total electrical bill.
• WTCKL is fitted with energy-saving light-emitting diodes (LED) throughout the venue. Lighting can be regulated for unoccupied rooms or used during any pre or post event activities
• WTCKL regulated its air conditioners system with the Variable Speed Drive by a specially designed inverter system. The system will automatically stop or reduce motor usage when temperature is reduced and/or not in use.
Meanwhile, waste management is another area in which the company is committed to achieving the sustainability goals. Initially designed for food waste only, this approach has evolved into the development of broader scopes and departments. Food, paper, plastic, and other recyclable materials are included in the waste management framework. A creative approach was employed to extend the sustainability messaging reach, ensuring that the effort is not only yielded within our internal stakeholders, as well as to the external stakeholders such as clients and other business partners, collectively known as the WTCKL Community.
One of the efforts in managing waste is with the introduction of the “Tiffin-Box” food carrier. The idea is to encourage and educate WTCKL’s community to reduce their use of food box carriers, which are often made of non-recyclable materials that are potentially harmful to the environment. The Tiffin-Box has been requested over time by clients that are supportive of the initiative. Most often, the tiffin box is designed and available based on an event theme or made exclusive as a corporate gift.
Moving on to another effort in facilitating the SGD goals is recycling, an on-going initiative that combines six (6) waste streams such as paper, cardboard, metal cans, food waste, electronic waste, and cooking oil. Leftover items are accessed, quantified, and re-used whenever possible. The introduction of the Tiffin-Box reduced the demand for food disposable carriers, but the company broadened its efforts by converting all non-recyclable serve-ware into a food-grade environmentally friendly disposable material.
WTCKL is keen in exploring the usage of reusable serve-ware such as glass bottles in reducing the usage of plastic bottles for events.
• WTCKL is committed in venturing into eco-friendly events in providing ‘Hydration Hub’ for macro events instead of individual bottles of mineral water to participants. Clients will be given the option to implement the ‘Hydration Hub’ concept in order to support the green initiative.
• WTCKL is currently putting extra thoughts in planning its advertisement placements and development of the marketing collaterals into digitalization to minimize the usage of paper.
• WTCKL is in progress to reduce the usage of paper towel to the energy-efficient eco hand drying machine.
• WTCKL is managing food wastage with qualified contractors based on firm scheduling system for the processed cooking oils and working with local NGOs and foundations for donations.
• WTCKL is expanding its ‘Recycle House’ and ‘Recycling Centre’ to strategic locations using clear signages and labels to educate and instil responsible behaviour.
• WTCKL will be introducing our ‘COMMUNITY AMBASSADOR’ to educate and to delve into partnerships with other corporate or government bodies as part of our progression plan in our sustainability framework
Sustainability practise is part of Corporate Social Responsibility, which efforts are beneficial for the best interests of our community, the planet, as well as business. Ultimately, these practises will aid an organization’s efforts in managing waste, educating its assets, and caring for the environment. As often as this topic has been discussed, WTCKL is astute in supporting the efforts with clear objectives and cultivating our frameworks as part of our WTCKL Community efforts for a change for the better future.
Mel Hamid
Director of Group Communications
+6013 7921 756 I +603 2614 6115
Putrade Property Management Sdn Bhd (WTCKL